The Natural Sleep Solution

Easier, Restful Sleep, Naturally.

My mission is to help people understand how to biochemically communicate with their bodies to naturally generate what is needed to sleep easily and feel great.

About Me

I had sleep issues for many years until I became aware... 

1. I don't need to entertain every thought that comes into my head.

2. There are techniques of breath and diaphragm control which can reliably stimulate the body to secrete biochemical messengers which systemically alter the way you feel, allowing you to drop into parasympathetic rest/digest and sleep easily and happily.

3. Sleep can actually be exciting and not something I dread because of the challenge of lying awake with a body that isn't primed for sleep and a mind which is constantly suggesting thoughts which bring me stress and unhappiness.

4. Through these practices I have been able to reliably shift into a mental and emotional state which is enjoyable and even blissful.  Then I get to fall asleep from that place and I'm not in any rush for it happen because I feel so good and my imagination and visual imagery are fired up and fun to play with.

Frequently Asked Questions
How long will this take?
There are 2 layers of benefits to this process, immediate and long -term.
Within a few sessions (for some, the 1st session) you will start feeling better in your body, experience less anxiety and even start sleeping better right away.
If you are diligent in your efforts for 1 month you will start sleeping well, falling asleep easily, habitually and it will cease to feel like work, you will have won the battle.

Will this work for my particular sleep condition?
This is a process which helps anyone fall asleep easier and get more restful sleep. While it may not cure your condition outright it will ABSOLUTELY improve your sleep quality and ease across the board.

How much effort will this require?
30-60 mins/day for the first 2 weeks and then 15-30mins/day going forward.
Weigh this against the current amount of time you find yourself awake and unable to sleep and ultimately this well placed effort gives you MORE time in your day.